
Daftar Riwayat Hidup

I.                   DATA PRIBADI

Nama                                            : Syaichul Ghulam

Jenis Kelamin                            : Laki-laki

Tempat / Tanggal Lahir         : Kediri / 22 Pebruari 1992

Alamat                                          : Jl. Salak 8b Ds.Tertek – Kec.Pare – Kab.Kediri

Kewarganegaraan                     : Indonesia

Agama                                           : Islam

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Hadist Maudhu’

  1. A.    Muqadimah.
    Hadits merupakan sumber kedua setelah Al Qur’an dalam islam. Kita sebagai seorang muslim tidak meyakini bahwa semua hadits adalah shahih. Namun juga tidak benar bila menganggap bahwa semua hadits itu palsu, sebagaimana anggapan para orientalis. Jadi memang ada hadits yang shahih, hasan, dha’if, dan maudhu'(palsu). Dalam dalam kesempatan ini, insya Allah saya akan menjelaskan seputar hadits maudhu’, agar kita faham pembahasan yang berkaitan dengan hadits maudhu’, baik pengertian, hukum, ciri-ciri  maupun yang lainnya. Continue reading

Beasiswa Data Print

Partisipasi DataPrint dalam memajukan dunia pendidikan Indonesia tidak henti-hentinya. Di tahun 2009, DataPrint pernah mengadakan program DataPrint Academy yang memberikan kesempatan kepada 30 orang pelajar SMA dari seluruh Indonesia untuk mengikuti workshop selama lima hari di bidang kreatifitas dan entrepreneurship. Kemudian di tahun 2011, sebanyak 700 orang pelajar dan mahasiswa telah menerima beasiswa pendidikan dengan total ratusan juta rupiah. Para penerima beasiswa berasal dari Pekanbaru, Bandung, Jakarta, Ponorogo, Kendari, Martapura, Dumai, Malang, dan lain-lain.

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Things that cause children can experience the Abbasids (The Golden Age)

Things that cause children can experience the Abbasids (The Golden Age), progress in science, philosophy and other disciplines as follows:
• Contacts between Islam and Persia became the bridge for the development of science and philosophy in the Persian cultural role in the development of Greek science, especially the academy Jundisapur, and other scientific centers such as Salonika, Ctesiphon, Nishapur
• scientific ethos Abbasid caliphs, particularly emotion Ar Rashid and Al-Ma’mun who was passionate about science
• The role of family Barmak as environmental educators in the palace. Barmak family hereditary intellectual adviser to the caliph
• Activity translating Greek literature into Arabic is such a large and supported by the Caliph policy with a great reward for every translator. This is the cause of Hellenization in Islamic thought

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Imam Hanafi

Ø  Born in Kuffah 80 H-150 H

Imam Hanafi An Nu’man bin Tsabit Al Kufiy is the original name of Imam Hanafi. He is Ulama from Iraq. Abu Hanifah have degree as “Al Imam al Azzam”, have meaning is The Biggest Ulama, but in the other literature explain that “Hanif” come from Iraq language and have meaning is “ink”, because Imam Hanifah always bring pen and ink to write the knowledge from the other person. Before Imam Hanifah study fiqih, he more like study qira’at, hadits, nahwu, poem, theology and kalam. In history of Islamic, we know that Imam Hanafi live in Umayyad and Abbasside era. He lives 52 years at Umayyad and 18 years at Abbasside.

Imam Hanafi more identical as The Ahl Ra’yi. He more uses the logic and reason to interpret Hadits and Al Qur’an. He more priority The ra’yi than Khabar ahad. If he meets some hadits opposite with the other hadits, he uses qiyas and istihsan  Continue reading